The Mayfly is all about doing what we can to improve our small area of Lowestoft using only the enthusiasm and creativity of the community. This extends outside, to the land behind the Mayfly, as we transform a fly-tipped patch of waste ground into a vibrant, productive, garden project.

The Mayfly Garden project

Our aim is to turn the land into an area which is actively positive, and which contributes value to the immediate area. This will mean improving the look of the land, but also adding to biodiversity through responsible management and best practices for wildlife; improving mental health; and strengthening community ties as people get involved.

The Mayfly Garden is open to everyone. If you’d like to get involved, come and see us in the café, every weekday from 10am - 2.30pm.

The Mayfly Garden Project is grateful for kind donations of organic growing mediums from PlantGrow!